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Therapy Services 

Healthy mind leads to a healthier life

Individual Therapy

In individual therapy, you will work one-on-one with a trained, mental health clinician. We want to create a safe, caring and confidential environment for the client. The goal is to get to know one another and increase understanding of your thoughts and behaviour patterns to help increase your well-being.

Couples Therapy

As a marriage and family therapist, I have a specialized training, education and experience in helping couples. Most couples who decide on couples therapy do so with a goal to increase trust, enhance intimacy, and to achieve better communication. Some couples enter therapy to determine if their romantic relationship is viable enough to continue.  

Family Therapy

The main goal of family therapy is to see the family as one emotional unit. Usual goals of family therapy include improving communication, solving family issues, understanding and handling spacial family situations, and creating a better environment for the whole family as one unit.

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